While sorting through these photographs (in an attempt) to narrow down my favorites to share with you, I had an overwhelming thought: these two had each found the one person in the world who feels like home, and they both knew it. Photographing their joy over this fact and witnessing their obvious adoration for each other inspired me to ask a question here.
What is your favorite thing about the person that you love? Have you told them what it is? Better yet, have you ever stopped to tell the people that you love what they mean to you? If you answered "no", why not? The reality is that you may not always be able to do it. Telling the people you love that you love them, showing them how you feel through your actions while you are able to, that is everything.
Absolutely everything.
I challenge you this. Take the time to figure out what the important relationships in your life really mean to you. Look at the connections you share with the people you love. Think about what your life would look like without that person and then celebrate the fact that at this moment, you have them. Tell the people that you love just how much you love them. Show them and tell them how you feel as often as you can.
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
Now that you're making it your mission to show the people that you love just how much you love them, (and I know I’m a bit biased on this one), you may want to have that love documented.