PRO TIP: Starting an in-home family session by jumping right into an activity is a great way to get your kids comfortable with a photographer being around (bonus - it loosens parents up too). As soon as I got to the Barbara’s home for our session we jumped right into this baking, which was ideal for a several reasons - first off, the kids couldn’t have cared less about me being all up in their kitchen, I mean come on, cookies obviously taken precedence over worrying about the stranger with the camera; plus, cookie baking (or whatever activity you choose) also serves as a great way for everyone to warm up to each other, kids usually open up pretty quickly if you’re chatting about the activity they’re currently engaged in, especially when that activity is the sugary goodness they’re mixing up is probably. By the time the baking is over, everyone is totally natural and has bonded over desserts, making for an easier transition to whatever comes next in the session. Your activity doesn’t necessary have to be baking related (although don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of getting sent home with freshly baked cookies), but there are SO many possibilities - a bubble bath, finger painting or some other craft, swimming, gardening, the possibilities are pretty endless.
This session started off with cookies and had a healthy mix of dinosaur story books, running down hallways, jamming to Lady Gaga, jumping on beds, cuddle puddles, and racing on porches.
Huge shout out to this beautiful family, working with them was a joy and a half, the four of them seriously just rock (okay five, can't forget the sweet pup). Thank you guys for your hospitality, for inviting me into your home to document your family, and for trusting my vision along the way.
Wanna chat about you own family session? Click here to get started!
Yes, the weird and adorable photos like this get included in your gallery, that’s just who I am as a person.
A behind the scenes look at the creation of the below photo thanks to my sweet client. Loved working with this family!